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Creating a unique perspective

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Weddings are always special and it is always a busy day for the two key people. The bride is often receiving private visits from close relatives, catching up with the bridesmaids, having her make up
and hair done, answering last minute queries from the venue, worrying about the car arriving on


Special occasions when family and friends gather for a celebration of a different sort.
There are many different ways to say goodbye to someone dear and show love and respect to them.

It is a very emotional occasion and in hindsight it is not uncommon to wish you had some photos or video as a lasting memory of the day – something to show other members of the family who were
unable to attend.

A video camera captures small moments you might have missed.

We are available to discuss any ideas you have for a video of the event. With cameras running
silently on stands, a drone viewing the assembly discreetly from above, we can film any parts of the
event you might wish to remember – without intruding.

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Charity Events

Special occasions when family and friends gather for a celebration of a different sort.
There are many different ways to say goodbye to someone dear and show love and respect to them.

It is a very emotional occasion and in hindsight it is not uncommon to wish you had some photos or video as a lasting memory of the day – something to show other members of the family who were
unable to attend.

A video camera captures small moments you might have missed.

We are available to discuss any ideas you have for a video of the event. With cameras running
silently on stands, a drone viewing the assembly discreetly from above, we can film any parts of the
event you might wish to remember – without intruding.



Architects, surveyors, stonemasons and engineers tackle some awesome projects renovating historic buildings and erecting fantastic new structures. Creating a permanent video record of these construction projects is perhaps the most fascinating and enthralling work we do.

Idi uses drones for the external views, DSLR cameras on gimbals and 360 kit for internal shots. All images are high resolution and can be combined with appropriate sounds or a voiceover as required.

Such a video is undoubtedly the best way for companies to showcase their skills and capacity to potential clients.

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